7 Reasons A Woman Betrays Her Man

Men are usually the main culprits when it comes to cheating in relationships or marriages, but women too are not an exception.
Today on Relationship Segment , would be sharing some reasons why women cheat.

However, unlike men, women betray their men for totally different reasons.
As long as a woman loves her man, she can remain faithful with a good-for-nothing man while taking all crap and abuse for several years.
While a woman may prefer dating many men, she is probably not in a serious relationship and will definitely settle down once she finds the right man.

Here are the seven reasons why woman can betray her man:

  1. Seeking Revenge
If your woman realizes that you are dating someone else, she might be prompted to hit hard back at you by sleeping with another man.
Some even take it to the extreme of dating your best friend or your relative. Others may opt to date an old boyfriend or workmate hitting at her.
Majority of women who betray their husband tend to think that in doing the same, they are getting things even.

  1. Lack of S3xual Satisfaction
It’s the goal of every woman in a relationship to feel loved and get sexually satisfied in bed. Women seek to reach an orgasm and failure to get enough of it or non-emotional s3x can lead to loss of interest in a relationship.
They will end up looking for other men who can perform better in bed. It is advisable as a couple to share your needs when it comes to bed issues to help identify your weaknesses.
  1. Soured Intimacy and Lack of Attention
Can you stay alone for long without feeling loved and getting the attention you deserve in a relationship? Some women can only go for a few days or weeks, but others can wait for years.
Nevertheless, majority of women seek for physical touch, intimacy and emotional attention. I
f you can’t get these from your man or boyfriend, why not seek them from another man? Women require attention, compliments and compassion from their loving partners if they are to stick in healthy and faithful relationships.

  1. Financial Stability
If you completely rely on your husband or boyfriend for your financial needs, it can be hard to express yourself during arguments or end the relationship.
Financial instability and fear of leading a lonely life can compel a woman to remain in a relationship even if she is being constantly mistreated.
Recently, women have become financially independent since they are working and making a living.
It’s the main reason some are opting to stay single while dating other men they fall in love with.
  1. Exit Strategy
If a woman becomes sick of a relationship, she might cheat if she doesn’t know how to better end the bond.
Since she is very much aware that men will hardly forgive indiscretion, she can end up cheating so that can quit the relationship or marriage.
S3xual boredom and lack of proper attention are some of the main reasons women will openly cheat as an exit strategy.

  1. Low-self Esteem
Some women often feel insecure about themselves such that they go looking for validation from other men. Insecurity may be in form of s3xual, emotional or intellectual attention.
Low self-esteem can be projected to your partner, making you believe that they neither love nor value you.

  1. Feeling Under-recognized
Women in relationships enjoy pleasing their partners through simple treats like preparing their favorite dishes, buying s*xy dresses and having date or parties. In doing so, they expect to feel recognized.
If you don’t show recognition to their simple deeds, like offering special treats during her birthday or holidays, she might feel under-recognized and seek for the same from a different man.
She can go to an extent of showing you that you can lose her if you don’t recognize what she does to please you.

There are many reasons as to why women cheat in relationship. However hard a woman may want to stick with a partner, poor s3xual performances, lack of proper attention, and financial independence can lead to cheating. Open communication and faithfulness are some of the best strategies to strengthen the bond in a relationship.

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